From 26 June 2024 you will find us at the new address Bělehradská 222/128, 120 00 Praha 2! Click here for more information.

Luboš Andršt
Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Czech Republic

502 276

overall songs
in the repertoire

14 085

newly registered
works in 2018

9 338

represented Rightholders


newly represented
by OSA in 2018

49 089

Business Partners

1 242 089 000 CZK


11,87 %

Cost Deduction

OSA and the World


foreign sister collective
management societies
we cooperate with

70 144 851

works from all
over the world

3 500 000

represented rightholders
from all over the world

214 435 000

distributed abroad


foreign countries
we distributed royalties to

57 162 000

collected from abroad



Supported Music Projects


OSA Live


OSA Helps


OSA Talent


Produced with OSA


OSA Premiere / Opening

Distributed royalties

195 287

Authors and Publishers

976 512

music works we distributed royalties to


foreign countries we distributed royalties to

1 001 828 thous. CZK


547 341 000 CZK

for domestic authors and publishers

214 435 000 CZK

for abroad authors and publishers

240 052 000 CZK

to the other domestic collective management organizations

Collected royalties

377 995 000

public performances

background music

194 711 000

live performances

166 768 000


15 528 000


988 000
417 906 000

broadcasting and online media

television broadcasts

217 318 000

cable retransmission

89 732 000

radio broadcasts

78 798 000

internet and mobile networks

31 673 000


385 000
114 734 000

mechanics and audiovision

private copying

93 190 000

music carriers

15 535 000

other use

5 047 000

audiovisual carriers

962 000
5 412 000

agenturní činnost

theater performances

4 705 000


707 000
57 162 000

from abroad

262 976 000

to other domestic Collective Management Societies

5 904 000

other income

Principal economic indicators

total reveneus
average cost deduction
From each
collected 100 CZK
Author receives 88 CZK

Interesting statistics of the year 2018

To reach the minimum wage of 12 200 CZK, one of the following model cases is necessary:

(For the case where one author of lyrics and one composer contribute to one composition.)
25 377

sold carriers per month

1 133 594

internet views per month

18 326

sold downloads per month

4 143

replays on radio stations per month

Reported, processed and distributed:

609 870

hours of music played by 134 radio stations

131 854

hours of music played by 42 TV stations

34 933
