OSA – Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním, z.s. shortens its name to OSA, z.s.
OSA – Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním, z.s. (“Collective rights management society for musical works”) announces a change of its name. Effective July 17, 2024, the company will go by the shortened name OSA, z.s. The other identification details of the company remain the same.
The history of the organization dates back to 1919, when music authors and publishers themselves founded it during the First Republic and named it the "Ochranné sdružení autorské” (“Protective Association of Authors"). Since then, OSA has become a key player in the field of copyright protection for music creators in the Czech Republic. Our previous name, OSA - Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním, z.s., was introduced during our evolution, but over time it proved to be complicated and cumbersome. The vast majority of our represented authors and the public know the association by the acronym OSA.
Therefore, the General Assembly of OSA members held on May 20, 2024 concluded that shortening the name to OSA, z.s. better describes our identity and history. The new, simpler name is more modern, easy to remember, and better suits current needs and communication trends.
"We are simply OSA, a modern and open to communication company. By shortening our name, we want to accentuate the values with which our predecessors founded it in 1919," said Roman Strejček, Chairman of the Board of OSA, z.s.
Contact for more information
Kateřina Růžičková
Office of the Management Board, Communications and PR
M: +420 604 149 974
E: katerina.ruzickova@osa.cz